Thanks for a great 2024 season! See you in 2025!

High Water Heyday Contest 2022

After a wet spring, we are excited to announce the winners of our 2022 High Water Heyday Contest.

This year’s contest received over 915 entries from boaters hoping to score the grand prize, a NRS Star Outlaw 140 self-bailing raft. From 3 to 13,000,000, the spectrum of guesses were as wide as the Snake River is long. Believe it or not, our local winner guessed the very first day of the contest on April 1, 2022 and came in just below the official cfs (cubic feet/second) mark without going over. Elliott Wilkins guessed 19,270 to win himself a new raft. He was so close, but not over, the USGS confirmed peak flow on June 13 at 19,300 cfs.

“I thought it was a spam call….the best voicemail I’ve ever received. Cannot wait to take it out for the maiden voyage”,  Wilkins said after learning his guess won the contest.

Our second contest winner, Jodey Gyorfy, was from out-of-state. From Idaho Falls, ID, Jodey was the closest guess for our out-of-area entries (19,250 CFS), casting her vote on April 8, 2022. Jodey won a rafting trip with Dave Hansen Whitewater for herself and up to seven friends.

Congrats to Elliott and Jodey! We look forward to seeing them out on the river this summer!

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