John Muir was an avid naturalist and known as the “Father of the National Parks”. He frequently visited Yellowstone and saw the educational value of the land. He often used the words ‘harmony’ and ‘whole’ to describe the connection between nature and God. The parks surrounding Jackson provide a perfect opportunity to unplug and find your inner caveperson.
It is most enjoyable to hike in the morning when the air is cool and the trails are less crowded. Today on the trail, I was fascinated by a well equipped family of five. The parents each had a small backpack with water and probably a few snacks. The two young boys were sunscreened up with sturdy shoes and small poles. The smallest member of this clan fearlessly bore the brand of multiple mosquito bites on the back of her tiny legs. She was marching forward reading a large map while avoiding big rocks on the trail. They were all going on a family adventure with willing spirits. High five mom and dad! What a lifetime gift to give to your children. Even though Jackson temperatures are generally in the 80’s, occasionally a 90 degree day creeps through the valley like a sneaky traitor. Either way mountain hot is very hot. Sometimes it feels like there is no atmosphere between earth and sun. Afternoon is the best time to hit the river, lake or Flat creek. Find a tube, raft, paddle board or kayak and splash your way to heaven. This is the perfect way to cool those tired muscles and avoid our tech society for a few more hours. The Snake River winds through the valley offering scenic views as well as the rhythmic babble of flowing water that surpasses any calming app.
In the words of John Muir “Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home; that wildness is a necessity.”

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