Thanks for a great 2024 season! See you in 2025!

Local Love

Summer temperatures are settling in at warm 80 degrees.  The landscape is such a vivid green it pops against cloudless blue sky.     The well maintained trails are being used by hikers and bikers. Sleepy dogs lounge under tables at local restaurants.  It is picturesque. This is the time of year that Jackson locals try to simultaneously catch up while slowing down. We need more sun, vitamin D, exercise and social interaction. The beauty of summer melts the last of winter’s chill from our bones.  The longer days are a promise of a cleaner garage, a trip to the farmer’s market, and maybe a beer in the middle of the day. In addition, closets get cleaned, decks get painted, and neighbors reconnect. 

      It is also time to slow down in traffic, or take a minute to smile at a tourist who just drove straight in a right turning lane. While coming to and from work it is wise to avoid the Jackson – Wilson road. It is much quicker to bike than drive in the summer, and when grocery shopping never casually  say “I saw a moose near…..”. You might find your name connected to a moose jam.   

      As July folds into August the early mornings hold the key to the inevitable.  The chill in the air breaches the bridge from summer to fall. The only way to combat the changing seasons is to run toward the sun.  Spend time outdoors playing and lounging in the warmth. Treat yourself to scenic or white water raft trip. Meet someone new, while screaming through Lunch Counter rapids.  Take some pictures so they become your screen saver when January howls relentlessly in your ear. The river is a magical place to find your smile.

This is your town too, Jacksonites!  We live here to play in the summer. Play hard, laugh off those sore overworked muscles, and sharpen those skis. Because you know in a blink of an eye a blanket of white will settle on your lawn, and those elusive moose will be eating your willows! 


Girl Power

It was the early 70’s when I first proclaimed my pride in being a woman.  I was riding in the back of my grandfather’s truck packed full of siblings and cousins.  We were kareening down the Big Horn mountains unfettered...

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Cell phones, Fortnite and IPads Oh My!

Cell phones, Fortnite and IPads Oh My!

John Muir was an avid naturalist and known as the “Father of the National Parks”.  He frequently visited Yellowstone and saw the educational value of the land. He often used the words ‘harmony’ and ‘whole’ to describe the connection between...

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