For the past couple years Molly has gone down to Nicaragua to teach girls how to play soccer and help organize leagues with the Soccer without Borders program. I know many of you have gotten to know Molly over there years here in Jackson Hole with here guiding many whitewater and scenic trips down the Snake River, so I thought I would post her latest update about the program:
“Just wanted to send a quick update and let you know that I’m heading back down the Nicaragua this March for our second annual camp in Granada, Nicaragua with Soccer without Borders. I know a lot of you followed my trip last winter and I just wanted to write with a few exciting updates. Three current Dartmouth Soccer girls that Mary coaches are spending there off term in Granada interning with us. They are making a lot of progress in getting weekly practices up and running again, going to schools to recruit new girls and getting the new SWB office up and running! They have been posting on the same blog that followed our trip last winter which is

England for Jackson Hole
The Dave Hansen Whitewater pig wrestling team and the Dave Hansen Whitewater office took a big blow when the lovely Jaime Boxer told us that she would be spending her summer this year studying and working in England instead of...
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Another Season with the AOK Corral
We are happy to say that we will be working again with our friends over at the AOK Corral. Dustin and Lara Child run a great operation out of Jackson Hole, offering trail rides for both the experienced and for...
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